National Commitment of Care and Competence

  1. Clients are treated with kindness and compassion, in a caring manner.
  2. Clients always receive honest and open answers.
  3. Client information is kept securely and confidentially and only released with the client’s signed authorization or as required by law.
  4. Clients receive accurate information about pregnancy, fetal development, lifestyle issues, and related concerns.
  5. We do not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions or abortifacients, or contraceptives. We are committed to offering accurate information about related risks and procedures.
  6. All our advertising and communications are truthful and honest and accurately describe the services we offer.
  7. We provide a safe environment by screening and equipping all staff and volunteers interacting with clients.
  8. We are governed by a board of directors and operate in accordance with our articles of incorporation, bylaws, and stated purpose and mission.
  9. We comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding employment, fundraising, financial management, taxation, and public disclosure, including the filing of all applicable government reports in a timely manner.
  10. All services are provided in accordance with pertinent and applicable laws. Medical services are provided in accordance with medical standards, under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician (or advanced clinical provider as permitted by law).
  11. All our staff and volunteers receive appropriate training to uphold these standards.